With thanks to producer Charlie Giannoni and CCTV, video of the February 8 Wards 2 & 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly Candidate Forum can be viewed online. It was a genuine pleasure to answer questions alongside my opponents Brian Pine and Lizzie Haskell. The conversation with Ward 3 residents reinforced our need for a City Council that is willing to face the structural fractures in our city’s democracy. We’ll always be confronting and resolving issues as a city, but we will resolve every issue with increased wisdom, clarity and sense of community if we choose to value inclusion and demand it of City Hall, in all the ways it conducts itself.

Feb. 8 Candidate Forum

“As a former state housing director and ONE resident, I believe that Ward 3 city council candidate James Lockridge got it right on housing at the NPA 2/3 candidate forum when Lockridge suggests sitting down with local residents to gather an workable approach to truly affordable housing in Burlington for low income seniors and families. Lockridge offered a new, fresh idea in place of continued establishment traditions that call the city’s tune and limit our potential for finding solutions.” — Tony Redington

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